Some actions can share the same keybind, but the game is very unclear about this.It would also be nice to have two seperate control schemes, one for in and out of combat.You can only have 1 keybind per action, would be nice to have at least two on a pc game.There are no story/item spoilers, but I do spoil how often you will use X action, so if that bugs you, go to TLDR. if you go eiher light or heavy attack build, you can move the other key further away, as you will almost never use it. I mostly moved keys closer to the mouse/WASD area based on how frequently you use them, and certain keys can be left out entirely if your combat build doesn't uses them. This is based on v1.03, but I know of 1.05's unlocked keybinds. So, the original PC controls are pretty lackluster, so much so that I rebinded most of the controls entirely.